Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Never in my wildest dreams did I think that one day we could achieve such scores with acoustic sights.

Never in my wildest dreams did I think that one day we could achieve such scores with acoustic sights.

When Jan and I created Kedok, our goal was to develop an acoustic aiming device for pistol target cards. Initially, we were happy when the shooters occasionally hit a 10, thinking that this was the highest possible score with an acoustic aiming device. However, over time, our shooters improved significantly. I suggested using rifle target cards, which are much smaller.
Two weeks ago, Milan, one of our shooters, achieved a score of 608.6 on a rifle target with 60 shots, averaging 10.14 (WOW!). Benjamin also scored very well with 589.0, averaging 9.81.
These results exceed any expectations we had at the beginning. I never imagined that shooting and aiming with sound could be possible.
Unfortunately, Jan can no longer experience all of this. Well, maybe he is helping us from above :)