Saturday, September 2, 2017
All credits goes to the users.
Working along with many users of Kedok is great.
Two active Dutch users give me all the input I need to improve many things. While developing, I always make a todo list of improvements the users want, which you also can find in the software source. After a phone call this evening with Nanne we scored three things on the todo list that would improve Kedok. For example: an option to have an advanced shooters settings option in the menu. The settings in advanced mode for the up/down buttons will be in smaller steps and Kedok will stop nagging the shooter by voice with detailed help and only give short beeps. Also, more setting will be adjusted once you who know how Kedok works. I even get much help from the other side of the world from Geoff Hunter. You should check their Facebook page Exsight Tandems Illawarra. The scores they make are seriously good and I enjoy the results.
Our holiday break at the club is over; looking forward to what the future will bring.
Thank you guys.